More merchandise rate woe for Nestle’s KIT KAT bar. While final week’s HAVE Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 BREAK determination has been widely publicised, it’s less good known that Nestle applied to convey the sort of the KIT KAT bar registered equally a Community merchandise mark. The determination is exclusively available inwards French but, from what the IPKat tin brand out, the Board of Appeal upheld the determination non to register the sort on grounds of lack of inherent together with acquired distinctiveness.
KIT KAT – OHIM finds bar to registrability
notes that though the sort was non constitute to convey acquired distinctiveness, when he saw a determination entitled FORME DE QUATRE BARRES DE CHOCOLAT, he persuasion “Oooh, that must locomote KIT KAT”. He leaves readers to draw their ain conclusions.
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